In the midst of all despair and challenges of life on the streets, there is also hope! There are committed people who spend their free time offering a hot meal to the homeless, distributing clothes, and sleeping bags and calling for medical assistance when necessary. These volunteers do a vital job. There are numerous initiatives and organisations that in various ways help and support the homeless in Berlin, among them the Berliner Obdachlosenhilfe e.V and the Berliner Gabenzaun.

In the process of initiating and making my project I had the privilege of getting to know the organisation Berliner Tiertafel e.V, which I hope as many of you will support with a donation. They are a small but well functioning organisation that provides enormous support to the homeless. I wish to extend my gratitude to Katia Erdbrügger of the charity Berliner Tiertafel e.V. who I was able to interview about their work for the homeless.

My sincere thanks to all of you!


Interview Katia Erdbrügger, Berlin Wannsee, 2020




